Online Media Usage – Day 4


Today my social media usage was noticeably less than usual, as I spent the day at uni and my phone died while I was there. In the morning, I checked all my social media accounts and replied to any messages I had, and then left to go to uni on the train. On the train I was on my phone and decided to do a google search, asking the search engine what new series were good on Stan at the moment as me and my girlfriend recently just finished the series we were watching. I ended up stumbling across a show called ‘Imposters’ that caught my eye, not only because of what it was about but because the producers release a new episode each week and I thought that would be a good way to watch the show.


Seeing as I did not publish anything on social media today, I’ll instead focus on how I distributed this information I got. Once I had found the show online, I took a screenshot of it on my phone and then used iMessage to send it through to my girlfriend. She then messaged me asking what it was about so I sent her the link to the IMDB page for it via iMessage also.


I sent this photo to communicate that it was something I was interested in watching and to share the knowledge I had recently gained about with with my girlfriend. The reason I used iMessage is whenever I contact her it’s usually either via a call or an iMessage so it’s just what I unconsciously use when going to message her. I used Google to look up the show as it’s usually always open on at least one tab on ‘Safari’ on my phone and it’s the search engine that I’ve always used. I then sent the link for IMDB as I know that that is a trustworthy and popular movie database.

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